B-10 - 668 Erb Street W Waterloo, Ontario N2T 2Z7
MLS# X12024242 - Buy this house, and I'll buy Yours*

End Big Image
Fully Air Conditioned Other


This is the business you always dreamed of Indian Restaurant. It is located in northern part of Waterloo and in populated area, ensuring excellent foot traffic and consistent sales with a loyal customer base and strong community presence. This is the perfect chance to own a successful business in a high-demand area. Next to Costco and other amenities like Canadian Tire, Shoppers Drug mart and so on in the same plaza. (id:51158)


Business Type Restaurant
Business Sub Type Fast foods

Property Details

MLS® Number X12024242
Property Type Business

About B-10 - 668 Erb Street W, Waterloo, Ontario

This For sale Property is located at B-10 - 668 Erb Street W Business, in the City of Waterloo Business bedroom(s), bath(s) . B-10 - 668 Erb Street W has Other heating and Fully air conditioned. This house features a Fireplace.


This Waterloo

The Current price for the property located at B-10 - 668 Erb Street W, Waterloo is $180,000 and was listed on MLS on :2025-03-17 21:11:34. The current average price in the city of is $0.00. The lowest price listed on MLS for a listing is $0.00. The highest priced 's in the area is prices at $0.00. The city of has 0 - 's listed on the MLS System.


Cooling Type Fully Air Conditioned
Heating Fuel Natural Gas
Heating Type Other
Utility Water Municipal Water


Acreage No
Zoning Description Commercial



Get More info About:B-10 - 668 Erb Street W Waterloo, Mls# X12024242

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