372 King Street Unit# 1&2 Waterloo, Ontario N2J 2Z3
MLS# 40678966 - Buy this house, and I'll buy Yours*

End Big Image


Profitable business for sale, don't miss this opportunity in the core area of Waterloo to serve thousands of students. Situated in a high-traffic area with excellent visibility. Walk distance to universities, 24H McDonald and Tim Horton are right across the street; Largest pool hall in Waterloo with 18 pool tables (2 Snookers) and 4 private game rooms. Minimum operating cost - Only one staff needed to manage whole pool hall. Independently developed an APP to self-open tables to low operating fees. APP can be used for next pool hall to start a chain business. Finance: Steadily growing sales with minimum rent in Waterloo, guarantee making a profit with a lot of Growth Potentials. (id:51158)



Property Details

MLS® Number 40678966
Property Type Business

About 372 King Street Unit# 1&2, Waterloo, Ontario

This For sale Property is located at 372 King Street Unit# 1&2 Business, in the City of Waterloo Business bedroom(s), bath(s) . 372 King Street Unit# 1&2 heating . This house features a Fireplace.


This Waterloo

The Current price for the property located at 372 King Street Unit# 1&2, Waterloo is $490,000 and was listed on MLS on :2024-11-20 07:06:17. The current average price in the city of is $0.00. The lowest price listed on MLS for a listing is $0.00. The highest priced 's in the area is prices at $0.00. The city of has 0 - 's listed on the MLS System.


Basement Type None


Acreage No
Size Total Text Unknown
Zoning Description L1-25



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